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2024 LHiNC Board Elections

Online voting for LHiNC’s 2024 Board election is now open. Voting will run from October 8 through October 22 at 8:00 p.m. To vote, you must be a Linden Hills resident who is 18 years of age or older.

If you don’t want to vote online, you can print out the ballot, print it and mail it to LHiNC at PO Box 24049, Minneapolis, MN. If mailed, ballots must be received by October 20, 2020.

Questions? Please email

LHiNC received 8 board candidate applications for the 2024-2025 year. Please find below these applications for reference.

Applicants were asked the following questions:

  1. Please write something about yourself, your interests and why you would like to participate on LHiNC.
  2. Please list your concerns, hopes and goals for the neighborhood.
  3. List any special skills you would bring to LHiNC.


Ben Cooper

  1. I love Linden Hills–from the shops and restaurants, to the lake and the street car, to the tight-knit blocks and friendly neighbors. I enjoy learning about local history and think that historical preservation has an important place in our neighborhood. I am also passionate about local food and farmers markets. I am an attorney at a litigation firm in Minneapolis. Before moving to Linden Hills I served on the Fulton Neighborhood board. I really enjoyed that service and would like to continue in my new neighborhood.
  2. Residential development is going to be a continued part of the neighborhood over the coming years and I think a realistic, collaborative approach is the best way forward. Part of why I want to serve on LHiNC is to ensure that the neighborhood remains deeply engaged with the city, potential developers, landowners, renters, and neighbors to make sure that information is shared, views are exchanged, and the end result leaves a stronger community. I also want to keep the neighborhood engaged in public transportation. I use the 6 bus to commute downtown three times a week, and I’m excited about the rapid bus transit line coming to the neighborhood. As that project comes to completion and as other projects come up over time, I want to make sure the siting, implementation, and communication of the project is done in a way that minimizes disruption to residents and businesses. I would like to see the trolley path extended, to continue behind Wooden Ship/ Sparrow Salon, and on the other end to add some interpretive signs or historical markers to the alley behind Settergren’s. Being able to connect the trolley path from "downtown" Linden Hills to the commercial block with Turtle Bread and the other shops would really tie the commercial parts of the neighborhood together.
  3. I have experience serving on boards (Fulton Neighborhood) and working at a nonprofit (Tubman, domestic violence legal services). I am a practicing attorney. I value listening, cooperation, and collaboration, but I’m comfortable making hard decisions.

Mikaela Casey

  1. I’m a new resident of the neighborhood, having moved here in March, and I’ve already fallen in love with everything it has to offer! While I’m not currently involved in any neighborhood organizations or clubs, I’m excited to start becoming more engaged. I want to join LHiNC because I’m passionate about my new home and eager to contribute to the community. I frequently walk around Lake Harriet several times a week and enjoy visiting the local restaurants, coffee shops, and shops. Additionally, I’m the author of a local children’s book, Lenny the Loon: A Tour of the Twin Cities, which proudly features the Lake Harriet Bandshell. I look forward to being a part of this vibrant community!
  2. Concerns: Maintaining property values and improving curb appeal. Environmental sustainability and green spaces preservation. Making sure the neighborhood remains inclusive and welcoming to all. Hopes: To continue to foster a strong sense of community and connection among neighbors. Maintain a focus on supporting local businesses. Continue to create opportunities for community events and gatherings. Goals: Get to know, interact with, and help the people who make Linden Hills so amazing! Encourage active participation and engagement from residents. Foster communication between the board and neighborhood residents to ensure transparency and involvement.
  3. Published Author: My writing experience would contribute to drafting communications, reports, and other written materials for the board.
    • Property Management & Project Management: In my property management role, I developed project management skills and learned how to work effectively with diverse groups, which would be helpful for managing community projects.
    • Event Planning: During my time as the day-of coordinator at Al and Almas Charter Boats on Lake Minnetonka, I gained extensive experience in event planning and execution. I’m passionate about organizing events that bring people together and would love to assist in LHiNC’s event efforts. Real Estate Expertise: As a realtor, I have insights into local developments and housing trends, which can inform decisions related to community projects and city planning.

Mike Williamson

  1. I’ve been a member of Linden Hills since 2021 when my wife and I moved here from the North Loop. I was encouraged by the active participation that LHiNC already had within the community and wanted to lend a hand as well. To that end, I joined the LHiNC Board in fall 2022 and am very proud of being able to count myself a part of some of the many accomplishments from the last 2 years. Outside of Board activities, you’re likely to see me working my way around the lakes on a jog, or leisurely biking through our community with our toddler in tow.
  2. LHiNC is evolving in to an organization which can more easily sustain longterm involvement from our community. From the most dedicated to the most casual, we want to be an invitiing home for members of our community to help impact our neighborhood for the better. I want to aid in that transition, specifically around the ‘support for the casual’ side of things. There seems to be a belief (real or perceived) that joining LHiNC is too high of a cost on people’s time, energy, and attention. While there are certainly some large-scale events that LHiNC puts on (Taste of LH, LH Fall Festival), there are also many opportunities for coming together as a group of passionate neighbors to take little steps in order to improve our surroundings. Small-scale efforts that require small-scale investments of time and energy can make a large impact and I want to see that concept put in to action.
  3. I’m an engineering manager by day, and bring a very linear thought process to most things I do. Taking an opportunity through all the stages of: constraint gathering, ideation, planning, execution, and retrospective is a path I’m fortunate to be able to practice often and will bring to the Board as well. We’ve also been without our day-of IT Support Staff during the monthly Board Meetings for over a year now and with the transition to a new Community Coordinator I’m happy to throw my hat in the ring to assist.

Suzana Mallard

  1. I am an internationally trained mental health professional with over 20 years of experience, navigating the challenges of licensing in the U.S. while striving to serve my community in meaningful ways. I am passionate about amplifying the voices of those who are often underrepresented, particularly migrants and minorities. I believe that true progress comes from embracing diversity and fostering inclusive spaces where every voice is heard and valued. Currently, I am involved in multiple initiatives aimed at enhancing community support and inclusion. I host a podcast, “Diaspora em Diálogo”; where I invite migrants to share their stories, highlighting resilience, transculturality, and the richness of their human experiences. I am also actively exploring further education in Diversity and Inclusion. These pursuits align with my goal to use my skills and knowledge to advocate for broader representation and to support diverse communities on a larger scale. My participation in LHiNC is driven by a desire to bring the perspective of a Black woman to the table, advocating for equity and inclusivity in all community efforts. I hope to contribute to creating spaces where everyone feels empowered to share their experiences and to push for policies and actions that truly reflect our diverse community.
  2. My hopes for the neighborhood are to foster a strong sense of community where people from all backgrounds feel safe, heard, and valued. I envision a neighborhood that celebrates diversity, promotes cultural exchange, and provides support systems that uplift those who need it most. My goals include actively participating in initiatives that promote inclusivity, advocating for policies that benefit underrepresented people, and building connections that encourage cross-cultural understanding. By working together, I believe we can create a neighborhood that is not only diverse but also united in its efforts to ensure the well-being of every individual.
  3. I bring a diverse set of skills to LHiNC that can support various initiatives within the neighborhood. With my background as an internationally trained mental health professional, I have expertise in counseling, mediation, and facilitating conversations around mental well-being, diversity, and inclusion. My training equips me with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a keen understanding of policies and advocacy.

Roann Cramer

  1. I’ve lived in Minneapolis most of my life and I’ve been back in Linden Hills for the past three years. I grew up in this neighborhood. I’m active in local and state politics and with some nonprofit organizations. I’ve served on Park board advisory councils as the then mayor’s representative. I’m an avid bike commuter and I’ve been biking to work for many years.
  2. Supporting our vibrant neighborhood with a variety of businesses and meeting the needs of neighbors with a variety of housing options.
  3. At the University of Minnesota I studied housing issues through the school of architecture. I’ve rehabbed two bungalows in Lynnhurst, one in the National, State and Minneapolis Register of Historic Places. I’ve spent years facilitating meetings both small and large.

Andy Rhode

  1. I didn’t grow up in Linden Hills, but I grew up coming to Linden Hills and connected to Linden Hills. For 60 years, my grandparents lived in the house my family and I now live in on Abbott. As I kid, I’d bike over from St Louis Park to spend time with them. We’d often walk down to “rocket ship park,” as we endearingly called Linden Hills Park years ago when it had the massive rocket ship on the playground. Beyond my adventures with my grandparents, my dad ran a small accounting business on the corner of 44th and Abbott for as long as I can remember, so we were connected to the community that way, as well. When I hit year 5 in our house this past spring, I realized I wanted to be more connected to the community, which is why I’d like to participate in the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council. I don’t currently actively participate in any other clubs or organizations. We have a 3 year old and a 5 week old, so time is at a premium right now. However, this feels like an endeavor worthy of committing to and I’d be honored to serve on the board.
  2. I’m either blinded by my love for the community or simple ignorant to what’s going on, but I don’t have big concerns. It feels like Linden Hills is a special community and I see opportunities, not necessarily concerns. My big goal would be to find ways to connect people to each other more (and more often.) The role of different communities people have in their lives has evolved, particularly coming out of COVID. People don’t seek out that sense of community they used to. We stare at phones stay in homes, and look for reasons NOT to come together. As a person who admittedly loves connecting with people, I hate that evolution away from togetherness and I believe it hurts the important role different communities play in our lives. My goal would be to work with the other members of the Council and the people in our neighborhood to find ways to strengthen the bond people have with THIS community and, in turn, each other. 
  3. I work in advertising so I can immediately bring marketing skills to the table, whether that’s on social media, with design thoughts, or communications ideas. Also, I’m more than willing to get my hands dirty on projects and scrub in to help where needed. While my Linden Hills network isn’t vast, I’m happy to tap into the people I know to recruit volunteers and helpers.

Jennifer Larson-Kelso

  1. I have been a MN resident most of my life, living in several different cities. I recently moved to Linden Hills (2+ years ago and love it here. I work full time at Childen’s Minnesota (in the lab) and have three sons in college. In my free time, I love biking/walking around the lakes and hanging out with friends and family. I also love eating and cooking… Therefore I  love visiting the local restaurants in Linden Hills. Being new to the area, I am looking to join LHiNC to get to know people, the community and be of help supporting/creating what Linden Hills is about. Organizations I actively participate in are mainly work related… I am a member of ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology) and CAP (College of American Pathologists) … All lab related activities and inspections.
  2. My hope for the neighborhood is to continue building/improving the amazing community that exists in Linden Hills. And creating a fun/inclusive environment that supports the neighborhood/community.
  3. Special skills: management, recruitment, finance/budget, quality management, meeting facilitation, change management.

Amy Watters

  1. I’ve lived on the same street in Linden Hills for 18 years, first in a condo, and now in a single family home. I work as a Professor for an online graduate program at The College of St. Scholastica. You may see me walking the neighborhood with my two dogs, 3 year old boxer-mix Luna and 2 year old everything-mix Zara. They both instantly love everyone they see and take it upon themselves to be the official greeters whenever someone new enters their space! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first full term as a LHiNC Board member! My involvement over the last year included volunteering at the Waite House Food, Toy and Hygiene Item Drive, coordinating the silent auction at the Fall Festival, and participating in monthly Board meetings. I believe my experience on the Board thus far has demonstrated my commitment to LHiNC and the Linden Hills community and prepared me to remain an effective Board member for another term. My goal for my next term (if I’m re-elected) is to continue to find ways my experience in healthcare leadership roles, writing/editing, and teaching can best be used to support the community and meet the Board’s goals.
  2. I’m concerned about local businesses and want to focus on ways our community can support their success. My hope for the neighborhood is that it will continue to grow and evolve while remaining a charming community that is welcoming to all. 
  3. I’m passionate about creating a sense of community among people, whether it be in the classes I teach, the organizations I’m involved with, or in the neighborhood I reside.  I recently finished two terms on the Board of the Ann Bancroft Foundation, was on the Board for my condo Association for more than 10 years (until I moved to my home), and have various organizations I volunteer with such as Meals on Wheels and food preparation for free meals for those in need. I have a lot of experience with writing and editing, and discovered I have a knack for organizing silent auctions which has come in handy!