Meet LHiNC’s New Board Members
Congratulations to the 7 Linden Hills residents who were just elected to join the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council Board for a two-year term:
- Bonnie Bolton
- Artemis Johnson
- Raycurt Johnson
- Barbara Lunde
- Bjorn Olson
- Ally Seal
- Daniel Wenger
The LHiNC Board Election kicked off at the Annual Meeting on October 12 and ran until October 19. Thank you to everyone who ran for a board seat and to everyone who voted!
These new members will join currently seated LHiNC board members: Jen Bellefleur, Peter Gilbert, Robert Haider, Judy Hornbacher, Elianna Lippold-Johnson, Gina Rautenberg and Abdi Sahal. Thanks to all these volunteers for their time and dedication to the community!
LHiNC meetings are held virtually on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Public is always welcome. Please email info@lindenhills.org, if you’d like to attend.