There are more ways to get involved in the Linden Hills community than can be listed here! Here are some ideas to get you started.

Join the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council

If you love Linden Hills and want to contribute to this great neighborhood, consider running for the LHiNC board. LHiNC is a group of 15 board members elected by the community at an annual meeting. Board members serve a 2-year term, with half the seats filled each year. The next LHiNC election will be held October 8, 2024. Find out more about what it means to be a board member and how to apply.

Linden Hills Neighborhood Council subcommittee meeting

Volunteer opportunities


Are you looking for a place to volunteer your time, or are you a non-profit in need of volunteers? LHiNC has launched an online volunteer portal to match volunteers from our community with volunteer opportunities in our neighborhood and across the Twin Cities.

Linden Hills Festival

Volunteer at the Linden Hills Festival, LHiNC’s biggest annual event in mid-September. Set up tables and tents, sell food and drinks, help make it a zero waste event and much more.

E-newsletter - subscribe

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter for fun articles about events, local residents and business owners, and issues impacting our neighborhood.

E-newsletter - contribute

Write an article for the e-newsletter.


Join the Linden Hills Neighborhood Facebook page to read and share news, information, and perspectives about the community.

Board meetings

Attend monthly LHiNC board meetings, generally held the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00p.m. at Linden Hills Park.

Linden Hills Library

Go to the Linden Hills Library website to find out how you can volunteer for Friends of the Library, or attend or help out at an event.

Spiritual and religious organizations

Check with local spiritual and religious organizations for ways to volunteer or connect with residents.

Ready to get involved in your neighborhood?