Message from the LHiNC Board of Directors
On May 25, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Police Department officers. Linden Hills Neighborhood Council is outraged by and condemns this heinous act, as we condemn all acts of racism and racial injustice. We join all our Minneapolis neighbors in mourning Mr. Floyd’s death and grieving with his family and our community at large.
Mr. Floyd’s murder is but one example of the systemic injustices that disenfranchised people and communities have long endured and continue to endure in this city that we love. Many in Linden Hills enjoy privileges and opportunities regularly denied to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). But we stand with those fighting for justice. We stand with those rebuilding after the destruction that came in the wake of Mr. Floyd’s murder. We stand with those seeking meaningful change.
We, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council, commit to deeply listening and being guided by all BIPOC who have been doing this hard work long before May 25. We should have responded sooner.
We commit to using our resources – financial, political and human – in ways that support long-time efforts to address systemic racism and inequity. We can and must act. We ask for everyone’s help and accountability in doing so.