2022 Message from the LHINC Board of Directors
At the LHiNC July 2022 board meeting, the board unanimously approved this statement regarding the findings of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights investigation into the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department:
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by the Minneapolis Police Department. The Linden Hills Neighborhood Council condemned this heinous act. Unfortunately, two years after our statement, we have seen several other Black people killed by MPD officers, including Dolal Idd (age 23), Leneal Frazier (age 40), and Amir Locke (age 22). In addition, we’ve observed newsworthy cases of police use-of-force and misconduct settlements paid for with our tax dollars.
On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, The Minnesota Department of Human Rights released a report detailing their investigation into the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department. You can read the full report here.
Based on these findings of race discrimination within the City, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights will develop a consent decree, which is a court-enforceable agreement that requires very specific changes to be made on a specific timeline. Importantly, a consent decree could result in critical independent oversight from a team of monitors who report back to the court.
We encourage everyone to submit feedback on what you would like the consent decree to include.
We, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council, look forward to working with our elected officials, including Mayor Jacob Frey, our City Council Member Linea Palmisano and Representative Frank Hornstein, in order to prioritize the necessary changes to result in a more equitable and safe Minneapolis for all residents.