Lake Harriet Kite Festival 2024
January 27, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. Lake Harriet/Bdé Umán, near the bandshell
Head to the north end of the lake near the bandshell for the 22nd Annual Winter Kite Festival, hosted by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and East Harriet Neighborhood Association. This FREE outdoor, family event features huge kites, free s’mores sponsored by LHiNC, and many more family-friendly activities. View full event details here.
Getting there: MPRB will be offering a shuttle to the Kite Festival in 2024 and encourage folks to take advantage of this program to avoid traffic congestion. The Kite Festival shuttle will run continuously from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, January 27 from the Executive Center (3033 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55416) to Lake Harriet, providing an easy, FREE and convenient way to get to the festival. Three school bus shuttles will run continually throughout the festival.
Parking: Parking on Linden Hills Blvd will be one-sided from W 43rd Street to W 40th Street on event day (January 27). Please plan accordingly and use the shuttle from the Executive Center. Only accessible parking is available onsite.