Help Design LH Park Playground
LHiNC is looking for community members to join a Playground Advisory Committee to help guide future plans for the playground at Linden Hills Park.
This August, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board renovated the playground. Many local caregivers and children expressed disappointment in the new equipment.
The advisory committee will work with MPRB to:
- Determine the potential for new equipment
- Explore unique solutions while following MPRB guidelines
- Facilitate any necessary fundraisers
The ultimate goal of the advisory committee is to work directly with MRPB to add new features to the playground and help create a playground that will serve our kids into the future. If you are interested in joining the advisory committee, please email playground@lindenhills.org and include “LH advisory committee” in the subject line.
The committee will be capped at 8 members; names will be drawn randomly if more than 8 community members express interest.