Linden Hills Chamber Orchestra
Neighborhood,  News

LHiNC Announces Fall Grant Winners

Every fall and spring, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council awards grants of up to $1,000 to people, projects and programs that make Linden Hills a better place to live and work. In November, LHiNC voted to fund the following grant requests:

  • Lake Harriet Community Schools – $1,000 for books that address diversity. LHiNC awarded an additional $1,000 for books for Lake Harriet’s sister school Nellie Stone Johnson School.
  • Linden Hills Chamber Orchestra – $1,000 to increase the accessibility of LHCO membership and concerts, including orchestra member scholarships and music for bandshell concerts.
  • Minneapolis Pops Orchestra – $1,000 to support MPO’s Summer Concert Season at Lake Harriet in 2022 (includes 10 concerts).

Deadline for Spring Grants is March 15. More at