Linden Hills Pop-up Food Drive
Supported by Linden Hills Neighborhood Council (LHiNC), St. Thomas the Apostle Church, The Saints Men’s Club and Carondelet Catholic School
Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1
12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church Parking lot (2914 W 44th Street)
The Waite House, an organization LHiNC has supported through our annual Winter Food Drive, is in crisis due to a shortage of food and hygiene products. In response, LHiNC is partnering with St. Thomas the Apostle Church to host a pop-up food drive THIS WEEKEND. Please stop by with donations of non-perishable food and hygiene items (see list of suggested items below). Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Interested in volunteering at the drive? Please sign up here.
Suggested Items
Food Items:
Olive oil and vegetable oil
Flour, sugar – 4 lbs bags or smaller
Meat soups
Chili with meat
Canned chicken, tuna or salmon
Canned fruit, in light syrup or own juice
Assorted canned vegetables
Diced tomatoes
Coffee in small bags
Whole grain cereals
Jelly and jam
Peanut butter
100% fruit juice
Hygiene Items:
Bar soap
Shampoo, conditioner
Shaving cream
Feminine hygiene products
Toilet paper
Facial tissues
Dish soap – small bottles
Laundry soap