Neighborhood Meeting on 4352 Zenith Condo Project
On September 29, LHiNC hosted a meeting with Sustainable 9 Design + Build and interested neighborhood residents to discuss a proposed 4-condo project at 4352 Zenith Avenue South project. The developer presented the project, heard concerns and answered questions.
Next Steps: At a September meeting of the City Planning Commission, the city asked Sustainable 9 to talk to neighbors and consider revisions. The developer shared these revisions at the September 29th neighborhood meeting. Now, the rezoning and variance requests will be taken up by the City Planning Commission on November 1. Public comment before that date can be shared with City Planner Hilary Dvorak, (612) 673-2639/hilary.dvorak@minneapolismn.gov or at the Planning Commission meeting being held November 1, 4:30 p.m. in City Hall, Room 317.
Background on Proposed Project 4352 Zenith Ave. South
Sustainable 9’s proposed project called the “Trolley Line Condos” would be approximately 14,222 FSF with 3 stories above grade and would contain 4 independent condo units and a shared underground parking area. The developer has submitted the following applications to the City Planning Commission:
- Petition to rezone the property from the R2B Multiple-family District to the R3 Multiple-family District.
- Variance to reduce the required front yard setback.
- Variance to reduce the required south interior side yard setback.
The developer presented the project to the City Planning Commission at a public hearing on September 19. No decision was made, and the vote was delayed until October 17 to allow time for the developer to engage with neighbors, revise plans based on feedback and resubmit those plans to the city planner for review.
For more information about the project, please see site plans and drawings below: